IFC News
Scaling Solar: Two PV Plants Bring Clean Energy to More Than 500,000 in Senegal
/in Project Updates, Senegal /by Deo AzbenIFC News
Two Scaling Solar Projects in Senegal Advance to Construction with IFC Financing Package
/in Senegal /by Deo AzbenIFC News
IFC News
Lancement de la construction de deux projets Scaling Solar au Sénégal avec le soutien d’IFC
/in Senegal /by Deo AzbenScaling Solar News
Scaling Solar Senegal Reaches Commercial Close
/in News, Senegal /by Deo AzbenScaling Solar News
IFC News
Grace à Scaling Solar, le Sénégal obtient l’un des tarifs les plus bas en Afrique pour la production d’électricité
/in News, Senegal /by Deo AzbenIFC News
Senegal Scaling Solar tender produces one of the lowest electricity costs in Africa
/in News, Senegal /by Deo AzbenScaling Solar News
Senegal achieves remarkable 3.8¢€ tariff with Scaling Solar
/in News, Senegal /by Deo AzbenScaling Solar News
Scaling Solar News
Senegal Launches Request for Proposal
/in News, Senegal /by Deo AzbenScaling Solar News
Senegal Launches RFQ for 100MWp Scaling Solar Program
/in Senegal /by James FrazierCRSE, [PDF]
Government of Korea
The Private Infrastructure Development Group
Government of the United Kingdom
USAID's Power Africa Initiative
Government of the Netherlands
Government of Denmark